Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Prayer for Danny


please pray for my cousin, Danny Eslinger. He is a Marine Corporal based out of Camp Pendleton. Tonight, August 19, he is deploying for Afghanistan for a few months. Ideally, they tell him he will be home around Thanksgiving, but there is a possibility he could stay longer. What is more important though, is he is deploying with an infantry battalion. He is trained as an A/C mechanic, not as an infantry Marine. His battalion's mission while in Afghanistan is to push the "front line" and create new Forward Operation Bases. Creating bases in this manner, puts the entire battalion in danger, as they are always moving into new territory and trying to run out the Taliban. It is very likely that he will experience fire fights and receive unexpected attacks. Very scary, even sobering for a true Marine like him. Finally, he is two weeks older than I, with a wife and two kids, and another on the way. Please pray that God will bring him back safely and expeditiously in one piece. 



schafnet said...

I am both Christopher's and Danny's uncle. First I want to convey how proud I am of both Chris and Danny for their service to our country. I am also asking for prayers for Danny's and his entire unit's safe return.

Uncle Andre

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!

I'll be praying for both you and Danny. Thanks for creating this blog it will be awesome to read your updates!


Sarah :-)
(Your Dad's Assistant)